The feast of Divine Mercy is a special day in the Church calendar in which God's love for us all is shown through His mercy, especially towards sinners.
While we're called to emulate God's compassion towards those who've hurt us, it's not always easy. And in fact, especially in abusive relationships, if someone's caused psychological or physical trauma, you may need professional help to deal with the pain they've inflicted.
However, in cases where people have caused you upset and you're able to seek solace through God's intervention, a priest has explained what you can do. He also points out how it can help not only the healing process, but also allow you to serve God in the way He'd intended you to do so. The priest is Fr. Dan Reehil, a Tennessee pastor, Instagram host, and the national director of Radio Maria.
It's worth watching the short video shared by Kristine_Kader below to hear the advice from Fr. Reehil himself and hear the wisdom in his words. And on this day of mercy, you could try and adopt his approach towards those who've wronged you.