The holiday season has come to an end and it’s time to get back to work. That can be a challenge this time of year, with the days being shorter, darker, and colder. There is a natural tendency to want to hibernate. It’s no surprise that workers report feeling less productive in the wintertime.
Staying on task during the months of January and February takes extra effort. But there are proven strategies that can help.

Here are five ways to staying happy and productive during winter:
1Go outdoors
It may sound counterintuitive, but when the weather turns cold it’s important to go outside, at least for a little bit. There is nothing like fresh air and sun to give us an energy boost. Even a short walk around the block can do wonders. Make sure to dress warmly if it is cold out.
2Eat healthy
Thanks to holiday feasting, the winter can be a tough time for anyone watching their weight. Candy, cookies, and deserts have been standard fare for the last couple of months – and now it’s time to turn that around. Stick to a "seasonal" diet if you can. It is especially important to eat adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables during these months. Make sure to stay hydrated.
3Set realistic goals
Set achievable goals that are appropriate for this time of year. Most people are more productive if they work in 15 to 20-minute slots of time, with short breaks in between. This is especially important for students who are studying or have projects due.
4Stay fit
Keep up to date with your flu and Covid-19 vaccines. Exercise during the day and make sure to get an adequate amount of sleep.
5Keep communicating
It’s easy to lose touch with family, neighbors, and even co-workers during the winter months. Social events are less common in January and February; at work, there is a tendency for people to huddle in their offices or cubicles and interact less. Knowing this, it’s important to invest time in keeping up your relationships and starting new ones. You should especially be aware of your elderly relatives and neighbors as they may be more hesitant to go out in the ice and cold.
Ultimately, of course, if we want to stay truly happy and productive all year long, our lives must be lived in the hope that comes from being in relationship with God. None of the above strategies will be very helpful if you neglect your prayer life or fail to love your neighbor -- so in addition to the state of your mind and body, also make sure to look after your soul this winter.