One of the aspects of Catholicism that people of other faiths might question is the importance of the Virgin Mary among believers. In fact, while protestants acknowledge Mary as Jesus' mother, they don't believe in key Marian dogma, such as the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption. As a result they don't revere her in the same way as Catholics.
Yet, the Blessed Mother plays such an important role among Catholics and is the cause for much devotion and celebration -- this is easily observed by the number of shrines and feast days dedicated to her, and even the millions of babies named after her!
However, for some people -- even Catholics -- there is still confusion concerning Mary's role in the Catholic religion, and how a mere mortal could be accorded such reverence.
Well, fortunately, Fr. David Michael Moses shared an interesting analogy that he learned from fellow clergyman Fr. Donald Calloway that explains just how vital Mary is to the Catholic faith.
If you watch the short video below, you'll see how Mary is likened to a key player in chess, and when you listen to the priest's explanation of her role, everything will fall into place.
The video garnered lots of interest, and if you look at the comments you'll no doubt notice those who believe in Mary to be the Queen of Heaven, and those who still have to perhaps improve their chess game!