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Saint Bénézet d'Avignon
Layman (ca. 1163-1184)
His life
+ Benezet (or Benet) was a shepherd living in Hermillon, France.
+ During an eclipse, he received a vision in which he was directed to build a bridge over the Rhone River near Avignon. When the local authorities and church leaders refused to help him in this work, he lifted a large stone himself and, putting it into place, declared that this marked the beginning of the foundation for the new bridge.
+ In the weeks and months that followed, nearly twenty miracles were performed at the site. The local officials soon began to help Benezet and the bridge was completed.
+ Following his death in 1184, Saint Benezet’s body was enshrined in a chapel built onto one of the bridge’s piers. Today, the relics of Saint Benezet can be found in the cathedral of Avignon.
+ Saint Benezet is honored as the patron saint of bridge-builders.
For prayer and reflection
“God's saints will be filled with his love and mercy; he watches over his chosen ones.”—from Evening Prayer II of the Common of Holy Men in the Liturgy of the Hours
Spiritual bonus
Today the Church also remembers Saint Abundius the Sacristan. What we know of him comes from a life written by Pope Saint Gregory the Great. Abundius served as the sacristan of Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome and his simple, humble life was an inspiration for many. He died around the year 564.
God our Father,
you alone are holy;
without you, nothing is good.
Trusting in the prayers of Saint Benezet,
we ask you to help us
to become the holy people you call us to be.
Never let us be found undeserving
of the glory you have prepared for us.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever. Amen.
(from The Liturgy of the Hours: Common of Holy Men)
Saint profiles prepared by Brother Silas Henderson, S.D.S.
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