Daily Prayer
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And today we celebrate...Tuesday, April 4

Saint of the Day: Sts Agathopus and Theodulus

Died for protecting holy books



Martyrs (d. 303)

Their lives

+ Agathopus was a deacon in Thessalonica and Theodulus served as a lector.

+ These two men were captured during the persecution of the Emperor Maximinian Herculius and ordered to hand over the holy books entrusted to their care.

+ Because they refused to comply with the orders and their steadfast faith, they were drowned by having stones tied around their necks in 303.

For prayer and reflection

Hail to you, our King, obedient to the Father;

you were led to your crucifixion like a gentle lamb to the slaughter.”—Verse before the Gospel for Tuesday of Holy Week

Spiritual bonus

On this day we also remember the Franciscan friars Nicolas of Montecorpino and François de la Terre de Labour who were martyred in Cairo, Egypt, around the year 1358.


Almighty ever-living God,
grant us so to celebrate
the mysteries of the Lord's Passion
that we may merit to receive your pardon.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever. Amen.
(Collect for Tuesday of Holy Week)

Saint profiles prepared by Brother Silas Henderson, S.D.S.