Daily Prayer
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And today we celebrate...Wednesday, March 8

Saint of the Day: St. John of God

Patron of those with heart disease



Founder of the Hospitaller Brothers (1495-1550)

His life

+ John was born in 1495 and spent his early years working as a shepherd.

+ In 1522, he enlisted as a soldier, losing the piety of his youth during his years of service. After he was released from the military he resolved to change his life and began to devote himself to God’s service.

+ John eventually settled in Granada and his conversion was enriched by the preaching of Saint John of Avila.

+ In 1540, John, who came to be known as Juan de Dios by the poor whom he loved so much, rented a house in which he might care for the sick. This mission laid the foundations for a new community: the Order of Hospitaller Brothers.

+ After ten years of labor, John graciously accepted failing health, offering an inspiring witness to all who knew him.

+ Saint John of God died on March 8, 1550, as he knelt in prayer before the altar. Canonized in 1690, he is honored as the patron saint of the sick and of those with heart disease.

For prayer and reflection

If we look forward to receiving God’s mercy, we can never fail to do good so long as we have the strength.”—Saint John of God


To learn more about the life and ministries of the Hospitaller Brothers of St. John of God, visit: https://www.sjog-na.org/

Spiritual bonus

On March 8, we also remember the deacon Saint Pontian. A companion of Saint Cyprian of Carthage, he accompanied the holy bishop in exile until his death and left account of Cyprian’s life and martyrdom. Saint Pontian died in the third century.


O God, who filled Saint John of God
with a spirit of compassion,
grant, we pray,
that, giving ourselves to works of charity,
we may merit to be found among the elect in your Kingdom.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever. Amen.

(from The Roman Missal)

Saint profiles prepared by Brother Silas Henderson, S.D.S.