The Christmas season is a perfect time to support faith-filled artisans who make unique children’s gifts.I’m as much a fan of Target as the next mom, but when it comes to shopping for my babies, I like to have something unique. When that means I can support small Catholic business, and express my faith at the same time, it’s a special thrill.
If you or a friend is expecting, this Christmas season is a great time to support small businesses and faith-filled artisans, as well as to enjoy the impossibly cute, Catholic-themed nursery decor and baby accessories that are out there. To get you started, here are some of the most wonderful Catholic baby products that Etsy has to offer.

Origami Tongues of Fire Mobile
Every baby’s room needs a mobile, and if you’re a little bored by the usual pastel woodland creature themed options, what about these bold origami tongues of fire, surrounding a dove representing the Holy Spirit? You can choose either the kit, and make the craft yourself, or you can request it shipped pre-made. It’s a beautiful way to remember how the Holy Spirit dwells inside even the smallest baptized members of the Body of Christ.

Why go for the usual ABC theme, when you can get the Catholic ABCs up on your little one’s wall? As a download, rather than a print, this is especially affordable. You can choose either standard colors, or pink pastels, to go in a little girl’s room, and frame it yourself. You’ll be glad you did, when your three year old comes to you asking what “N is for Novena” means.

Blessed Friends Forever Pillow Dolls
Have you ever seen a more huggable Our Lady of Perpetual Help? These simple, unique pillow dolls are just irresistible, and you can choose from all kinds of options: Patron saints, Our Lady of Fatima, and even the Divine Mercy image of Jesus, for your baby to snuggle with at night.

Artist Jen Norton’s work is joyful, vibrant, and surprisingly profound. Here, Our Lady absolutely radiates love as she looks out at you, and the words of the Hail Mary are creatively integrated into the picture. This piece, and so much more from this shop, is a wonderful choice for decorating a kid’s room with art that will resonate just as much with adults as it does with the child who grows up with the image hanging above her bed.

Your baby is definitely not old enough for their own miraculous medal, but here’s one printed right onto a simple, comfortable onesie. The detail is gorgeous, and the seller also offers a scapular print, and one with a Divine Mercy medal.

These sturdy, lovingly designed (and washable!) patron saint blocks will be in your family for years. When the baby’s too little to play with them, they’re gorgeous just displayed on his bookshelf, and as he grows, he’ll learn to read the prayers and the names and prayers written on the back. Best of all, you can choose which saints to include in your set, which means you could get every family member’s patron saint, or pick out those you’re especially devoted to.
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How to help an expecting mom when she doesn’t need a baby shower
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6 Spiritual lessons a mother can learn in her second trimester