Have you ever considered that a third of the Apostles were siblings? With two sibling sets -- John and his brother James; Peter and his brother Andrew -- four of the Twelve had a brother to call on (or argue with) as they followed the Master.
Surely we can learn a lot from reflecting on Jesus' choice to choose siblings to establish His church. This choice is a message for parents, and obviously, for siblings.
This prayer, drawn from Scripture, the Catechism, and Pope Francis, asks God to help us be siblings intent on holiness.
Father, I thank you for the gift of my siblings.
Thank you for teaching me though them: Teach us to relate to others, to listen and share, to be patient and show respect, to help one another. Through my siblings, you invite me to grow in closeness, care, and respect. Help me and help us.
Make us generous and tireless in forgiving one another for offenses, quarrels, injustices, and neglect. Our affection suggests this; the charity of Christ demands it. Help me and help us.
Inspire me to always consider how we can stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, and encouraging one another. Help me and help us.
Father, I pray for siblings who suffer hurt from the family, siblings who do not know your mercy and love, siblings who do not turn to the Church as mother, siblings who are estranged. I pray for and with siblings who have gone from this life, even before being born into our family.
May the prayers of Peter and Andrew, James and John and all other saints, especially sibling-saints, help me and us to draw closer to you.