Ricardo ed Evaluna Montaner

Ricardo ed Evaluna Montaner

Ricardo ed Evaluna Montaner

Nome: Hector Eduardo Reglero Montaner Nato a: Valentín Alsina, Buenos Aires Vive in: Miami, Florida Curiosità: Ricardo moved to Venezuela when he was 6 years old. During his youth he performed in the church chorus in the city of Maracaibo. In 1999, Montaner recorded his best album ever with his past hits decorated with the strings of the London Metropolitan Orchestra. This proved to be very successful and sold over 1 million copies. Ricardo is married to Marlene Rodríguez Miranda. His sons Héctor and Alejandro Montaner are also singers. He also has a daughter Evaluna Montaner who also sings.   Site:http://ricardomontaner.mx/ FB: Ricardo Montaner