Catholic priests recite this blessing near the end of a wedding Mass. It provides a profound daily meditation.Marriage can be a beautiful experience, but it is something that needs to be constantly tended to and nurtured. A married couple should grow in their love of each other over the years and constantly think of new ways to serve each other.
However, this is not always at the forefront of our minds, as children and work tend to get in the way. One way to keep your marriage as a top priority is to mediate on the Nuptial Blessing that Catholic priests pray over a newly married couple.
The blessing is a perfect daily meditation, reminding married couples of the graces they receive through the sacrament of matrimony as well as the virtues they should strive to attain in their lives.
Here is an excerpt from this prayer, which can be read in full through this link.
May the grace of love and peace
abide in your daughter N.,
and let her always follow the example of those holy women
whose praises are sung in the Scriptures.May her husband entrust his heart to her,
so that, acknowledging her as his equal
and his joint heir to the life of grace,
he may show her due honor
and cherish her always
with the love that Christ has for his Church.And now, Lord, we implore you:
may these your servants
hold fast to the faith and keep your commandments;
made one in the flesh,
may they be blameless in all they do;
and with the strength that comes from the Gospel,
may they bear true witness to Christ before all;(may they be blessed with children,
and prove themselves virtuous parents,
who live to see their children’s children).
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