Sometimes we may think to ourselves that we can hide from God. Since we don't see God with our eyes, it is tempting to think that God is not there.
This is one of the reasons why many of the most grievous sins we commit are at night time, in the dark. We think that the darkness can somehow hide us from God's presence.
Yet, that is not possible. God is always with us, as a letter of St. Clement to the Corinthians explains.
This goes not only for our exterior actions, but also our interior thoughts.
While it might feel oppressive to always be in the presence of God, it is meant to be a reassuring reality.
God is always with us, ready to comfort us as a loving and merciful Father. He watches us and looks after our every need.
It is good news that we can't escape his presence!
We are never alone, and even if we feel abandoned by God, he is in fact there, right beside us.
Instead of trying to run away from God, let us run to God, as the Prodigal Son ran to his loving father.
When we embrace the presence of God, we no longer try to live a lie.