What’s more important than building up our family and making those relationships strong?Warmth and affection are the gifts bestowed on us by the Holy Spirit. Cultivating them inside our family unit involves attributing the same levels of importance, respect and consideration to each.
1Imitating Christ’s attitude
Try to see your spouse and children as Christ sees them. It will transform the way you approach them.
2Avoid unpleasant topics
At dinnertime, banish all the topics that can vex, such as grades at school. Otherwise, this privileged moment risks turning into something unpleasant, and your children will feel that they are only valued based on how well they do in school.
3Pray to keep your cool in fights
When arguing with your spouse, abstain from interrupting him (or her). If you feel your irritation growing, try praying in silence; this will calm you down and prevent you from saying something you may regret.
4Spend some quality time with each family member
Give time to each of your children and to your spouse. It doesn’t have to be much, but you must be totally there for them. The person treated this way will see how much you value them.
5Listen to your children and let them speak out
To better understand what moves your kids, invite them to tell you about their day at bedtime. Your children will feel that you are interested in them and in what they have to say.
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6Transform your children’s mistakes into a springboard for their success
Use your children’s mistakes as a springboard for their success. Ask them what they can do better next time. This will improve their attitude toward schoolwork and teach them how to assess their own mistakes. People are often surprised by how accurately kids can judge their own performance.
7Learn how to be thankful
From time to time, organize family meals where each can thank and praise one or the other family member. You can do the same and praise each and everyone for what they do.
8Give an example in humility
Learn how to acknowledge your own failings and to ask forgiveness. If you know how to be objective, so will your kids.
9Avoid lies and gossip
Whenever conversation turns to gossip, change the subject.
10Encourage and congratulate your children
Judge your children based on what they do well and put effort into, instead of their mistakes: it will make them want to do even better.
Florence Brière-Loth
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