If things are new or different this year, remember these three items to help you plan for success!“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?” (Lk 14:28)
In the beginning of the new school year, it’s hard to remember every single item on the list of school supplies — especially if your kids are entering school for the first time, or you are distance learning or homeschooling this year. Here are three simple things that can help you save time and free your mind…
A notebook
Sit and write down in a simple school notebook everything you need to buy. The list can range from pencils and markers to shorts and sneakers for gym class. The best way to organize the list is to divide it into three columns. Don’t forget to indicate the quantity, the brand and the color of items your children will need. This way when you shop for school supplies you won’t waste time on constantly returning to the same aisle. Older kids can fill out the columns in the list on their own, indicating school supplies they need.
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10 Encouraging quotes to ponder as you prepare for homeschooling this fall
A binder
It must contain plastic pockets to store all the documents concerning school and extra-curricular activities. It’s important that all these documents are filed under appropriate headings (school rules, schedules, catechism or sport activities, etc). You may also include the schedule for religious classes and events. This way, everyone will know where to find the necessary information. To avoid all confusion and misunderstanding, please note down all modifications in the schedules.
A board
To write down menus, hours of religious commitments you plan to attend, grocery lists, and everyone’s schedules. You can easily prepare delicious and nutritious meals that you’ve planned in advance. Ask the advice of your kids, who are generally full of good ideas and will happily lend you a hand with some of the meals.
These three objects will prove very useful to you. Have a great school year!
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Don’t want to homeschool, cyberschool, or send your kids to school this fall?