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Bl. Solanus Casey continues to heal and work miracles after his death

Solanus Casey
Philip Kosloski - published on 07/30/19

Pilgrims continue to relate miraculous healings and conversions that occur through his intercession.Solanus Casey was an extremely humble Capuchin Franciscan friar who received countless visitors in his lifetime and listened attentively to their needs and desires. While his duties as a priest were confined to being a doorkeeper, his simple faith in God was able to bring about numerous miracles.

According to the Detroit Catholic, “While waiting to meet with other priests in the reception area, people shared their problems and sufferings with Fr. Solanus. He would listen and maybe ask a few questions, then pray with them. He might lay his hands upon them to bless them, use holy water, read prayers from a prayer book or a Scripture passage or give them second-class relics from a canonized saint.”

These small encounters ended up having big consequences.

Many cures and miracles were reported. In the notebooks his superiors asked him to keep, he recorded thousands of requests and answers: healings from pneumonia, alcoholism, vision problems, infantile paralysis, cancer, convulsions, etc.

Surprisingly, when he died in 1957, the miracles did not stop and have never ceased occurring.

The Fr. Solanus Guild continues to keep a record of all the miracles that occur through his intercession. Some of these miracles are posted on their website.

For example, one certified nurse aid discovered she had a lump on her breast and feared the worst. She immediately turned to Bl. Solanus Casey.

About two years ago, I had my yearly mammogram and they found a small lump. I saw a surgeon and I was scared so I prayed to Fr. Solanus for healing and pinned that relic badge to my bra. After three months, I had a biopsy and I was prepared for the worst. After prepping me for surgery, they couldn’t find the spot. It has been a year and a half now and still no sign of a lump. I’m still praying daily and have spread the word about Solanus to family and friends. I am a faithful believer in prayers, and even miracles.

This is one example of the countless miracles that have occurred since Solanus Casey’s death and show how he still looks kindly upon all those who come to him for help.

Below is a prayer that asks the miraculous intercession of Bl. Solanus Casey. As with all prayer, no one is every guaranteed a miracle, but for those who have a strong love and faith in God, anything is possible.

O God, I adore You. I give myself to You.
May I be the person You want me to be,
and May Your will be done in my life today.

I thank You for the gifts You gave Father Solanus.
If it is Your Will, bless us with the Canonization of
Father Solanus so that others may imitate
and carry on his love for all the poor and
suffering of our world.

As he joyfully accepted Your divine plans,
I ask You, according to Your Will,
to hear my prayer for… (your intention)
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

“Blessed be God in all His Designs.”

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5 Inspiring quotes from Solanus Casey, the modern-day mystic on his way to sainthood

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Miracles continue to happen at this Marian shrine in Wisconsin


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