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A simple prayer to recall the presence of God each day

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Philip Kosloski - published on 10/11/24
We don't always have to pray elaborate or difficult-to-memorize prayers. All we need to do is to pray simply with our whole heart.

It can be tempting at times to overthink prayer, believing that we need to do everything in a specific way or at a specific time.

Unfortunately, when we obsess over the how, we can miss the whole goal of prayer, which is union with Jesus Christ.

This simple truth is best expressed when trying to place ourselves in the presence of God.

Placing yourself in the presence of God

Of course, we never actually have to place ourselves in the presence of God, as we are already in his presence. But we often need reminding of it.

God is always with us, though we don't always realize it.

St. Francis de Sales offers a few biblical examples in his Introduction to the Devout Life of people who came to more fully understand this reality:

This is what David meant when he exclaimed, “If I climb up to Heaven, Thou art there, and if I go down to hell, Thou art there also!” And in like manner Jacob, who, beholding the ladder which went up to Heaven, cried out, “Surely the Lord is in this place and I knew it not” meaning thereby that he had not thought of it; for assuredly he could not fail to know that God was everywhere and in all things.

St. Francis de Sales then provides a simple prayer that we can use to help remind us of God's presence:

[W]hen you make ready to pray, you must say with your whole heart, “God is indeed here.”

It might be beneficial to pray this prayer slowly and deliberately, letting it sink into your heart.

God is indeed always around us. We are the ones who need help remembering this simple fact.

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