One of the most beautiful things about Easter is the entry into the Church of all the candidates who've celebrated the RCIA. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). Seeing these converts enter the family of Christ as our new brothers and sisters is a source of joy and hope.
A really nice way to show our love and support for our friends entering the Church is a thoughtful gift or handwritten card. If you’d like some ideas of what to give your friend or family member who’s entering the Church this Easter, read on!
Well-made rosary
A sturdy rosary is a perfect gift, especially with a small book or pamphlet on how to pray it. We’re partial to Rugged Rosaries and these pretty Rosary bracelets.
Catholic Bible
There are lots of Bible options, but we’re partial to the Great Adventure Catholic Bible and the Catholic Journaling Bible.
Spiritual book
You have so many options here! A book about your friend’s confirmation saint is extra thoughtful, or any of the great spiritual classics that have changed the lives of saints.
Saint medal

A medal of your friend’s new patron saint is a meaningful way to keep this heavenly friend close to mind.
It’s so nice to have an easy way to join in the universal prayers of the Church from home! You can pick from a number of missals, or even give a gift subscription to Magnificat.
Having a Mass offered for your friend might just be the best gift of all.
If they don’t already have one, a crucifix is a perfect gift: Every Catholic home needs one!
Wall plaque of a sacred image

Besides a crucifix, your friend might appreciate having an image of the Sacred Heart or another sacred image to hang on their wall.
Image of their patron saint
Give a beautiful framed image or icon of your friend’s confirmation saint.
Holy water font
This is such a special gift for your friend to hang by their front door.
Prayer book or devotional
There are so many great devotionals and prayer books to choose from! We’re partial to Every Sacred Sunday for weekly prayer and reflection linked to the Sunday Gospel readings.
Rosary holder
A nice box to hold rosaries or a wall hanger for rosaries would come in handy!
Adoration and dinner
We love the idea of planning to join your friend for a Holy Hour together, followed by going out for dinner. The Pocket Guide to Adoration would be just the right gift for this occasion!